
Scapegoat trap
"Why should I make the first move when everyone is just pointing the finger at me?" The scapegoat trap is the hurdle that companies have to overc...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Expert trap
In the last MAG you promised to look at my training options with me. That was almost a year ago now. The expert trap can often be recognised by a manager w...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Cuddle trap
Mockery is the language of the frustrated. Thomas Meyer (2022) The manager is very understanding. The team complains. The manager complains too. Resign...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Sponge-over trap
"It happens to the best of us. Don't worry about it!" The leadership problem of the sponge-over trap is similar to the cuddle trap: the manag...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Favourite style trap
You could buy the Ford Model T in any colour you wanted - as long as that colour was black. Despite the will and commitment of the management, certain i...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Silo trap
We are the best. F*** the rest! Everything works very well as a team! But working with other teams is difficult and fraught with conflict. One's own ac...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Blackmail trap
Give me 10% more pay or I'll quit. The symptom is very clear: as a manager, you feel like you have your back to the wall - not to say blackmailed by yo...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Distance trap
I feel like a lone wolf and don't know how to communicate with the team and my boss. The pandemic has changed everyday working life for many. Working f...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Mate trap
"Of course, I only get the boring projects when the exciting work is always assigned to the boss's favourite employee." Team members complain...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM
Panic trap
If the manager behaves in such a way that the team feels misunderstood and ignored, a working atmosphere characterised byhostility, fear and mistrust is cre...
Mon, 1 Jul, 2024 at 1:16 PM