In the last MAG you promised to look at my training options with me. That was almost a year ago now.

The expert trap can often be recognised by a manager who is overburdened with operational activities. The supervisor never has time. Decisions are piling up on her desk. The team complains about too little room for manoeuvre and too long response times. In addition, the manager concentrates on content-related management and neglects management topics such as career planning, employee appreciation and team conflict management.



The smartest person in the team was promoted to boss. She leads with what she is particularly good at: Her expertise. But leadership is much more than "management by expertise". Expert managers often neglect people orientation because this is uncharted territory and could jeopardise their sovereignty. 



Expose your employees to uncertainty. Delegate! The tasks should be cut like children's shoes: a little too big so that you can grow into them. That takes courage. Allow yourself to feel insecure - also with regard to any people-orientated management tasks such as team-building activities, 1:1 discussions etc. that have been neglected.

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Lippmann, Eric. (2018). Handbook of Applied Psychology for Managers: Leadership Expertise and Leadership Knowledge.