The LN Navigator shows how you as a manager affect your employees. 

It is helpful that you address both the person and the goals: the horizontal spread is intentional and important.

However, you seem to be very careful and don't want to demand too much: You too often aim too low with that. Because everything you take off your employees' hands is on you! If you make employees too little responsible for their goals (bottom left), then you are doing too many jobs yourself. If you are too much there for your employees (bottom right), it may be pleasant for everyone, but you won't have time for other things.


Expose your employees to uncertainty!

In their private lives, they have children, enter into relationships, build flats, etc. They demonstrate their ability to act under great uncertainty. There is no reason why they should not do this during working hours.

Of course you can make it clear that you are pushing them into the learning zone. You just have to do it, because people don't listen to what you say, they watch what you do. What works well, for example: "Please try to solve it for 30 minutes before asking questions. And if you ask, tell me how you would proceed now."

PS: Sayings like this are harmful: "You can't come up with problems, only solutions." That's kitchen table psychology. And - äxgüsi - bullshit. It's quite normal that sometimes you can't see the solution. What can be expected, however, is a good formulation of the problem. The following quote is attributed in one way or another to Albert Einstein:

If I had an hour, I would spend 55 minutes thinking about the problem and 5 minutes thinking about the solution.