For a long time now, work targets have no longer simply been dictated from the top. This may have been commonplace in the days of Henry Ford and Co (circa 1930 ), but even in low-complexity organisations today, employees are given some say when it comes to balancing the ambitions of the business with the capacity of the workforce. But this harbours challenges:


Although it is no longer a novelty to ask employees about their ideas regarding performance targets in an appraisal interview, it is not a matter of course that the target-setting process is a simple point in the appraisal interview. Whether this is due to the willingness of staff to take on some of the responsibility for setting goals and achieving them, or simply the attitude that this should be a matter for the boss. However, it is often not the employees' fault that the goal setting is one-sided. It is tempting for managers to take the easy route and either dictate targets or leave it entirely up to the employees.


Effective goals are created when a bridge is built between the goals of the organisation and the individual goals of the employees. The important thing is to build the bridge TOGETHER! This is the only way Heinz and other employees can identify with the objectives. This means that the objectives are neither dictated by the manager nor decided by the employee alone. This balancing act is not an easy one - neither for the manager nor for the employees - but it harbours the greatest potential for effectively achieving the agreed goals.

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Heer, Stefan (N/A)