The Navigatorshows how you as a manager affect your employees.

When it comes to people-orientation, you lead in the best possible way: you take responsibility for your employees, challenge and encourage them. 

In the matter (goal-orientation)  you could make your employees more responsible in the matter. Then there will be less on your shoulder. It would probably be more effective if you challenged your employees more in this regard. Instead of explaining how it is, you can ask: "What have you understood?", "Do you agree?", "What are you doing now and by when?". Play Delegation Poker!

It is important to overcome this pattern. Because it's frustrating for you: although you do everything well, you slowly but surely feel exploited by your employees. If you do not correct this, you will end up in the diagonal pattern. 

Could it be that you are confusing "good leadership" with "being kind"? As a manager, you should stand up for people, which is good and helpful. However, you should also be committed to the needs of the organisation. If you don't do it, nobody will! The method of choice here is: Stereo guiding