Resilience means growing with the unexpected.

Fragile things break when the unexpected happens. Sturdy things last a little longer. That is why resilience is the opposite of fragility.

Managers would do well to seek, promote and cultivate resilience:

Classic leadership behaviourResilient leadership
I give employees as much security as possible.I provide as much security as necessary. Where possible, I consciously allow for uncertainty. Because you grow by working through uncertainty. I play delegation poker all the time.
I clarify the interfaces, focus on AKVRules are ok and can be broken with good reason (see car park metaphor below)
I feel responsible for the satisfaction of my employees. (Caution, cuddle trap)All people are responsible for their own satisfaction. (Caution: It is true, but the truth is sometimes overwhelming. Do not overload!)
Comfort zone is the goalLearning zone is the goal (your comfort zone is your prison)

Car park metaphor

Sunday evening, empty car park: do I drive around the fields to get to my parking space, or do I take the shortcut across the empty fields?

There are companies where the markings resemble small walls: Don't drive over them! Whether it makes sense or not is secondary. In other companies, markings are orientation aids that may be crossed for good reason. 

However, the lines do have a purpose! Namely, to set parking regulations so that as many people as possible have space. The point is not to lengthen the routes.

I experienced the most impressive or pointless rules as a young project manager when I needed a login for a system. The employee in charge told me: "Sign here." I looked at the sheet. It said: "I hereby confirm that I have received the introduction to the system." I asked about the fact that I hadn't received an introduction. The employee said: "I just need this signature so that I can give you a login."

Rules have taken on a life of their own here.

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Nassim Taleb calls resilience even more aptly antifragility. The core idea for this article comes from his book Antifragility: Taleb, Nassim (2013). Antifragility.