Leadership, cooperation, decisions - all of this always takes place within a framework. 

Anyone who delegates has to think about it in advance: What is important to me in the solution? Because there is nothing more demotivating for employees than presenting a solution only to hear: "But that's not how I imagined it". Changing the rules during the game is not an option. 

Those who delegate think about the rules of the game beforehand - in other words, the framework conditions:

  • What must the solution fulfil?
  • What can it cost (time, money)?
  • Which aspects are important to me, what is essential, what is absolutely not?
  • etc...

When the solution comes, there are exactly two variants:

  1. The solution fulfils the framework conditions --> It is implemented without ifs and buts
  2. The solution does not fulfil the framework conditions --> Feedback, point this out

In the real world, variant 1b.) often occurs. The solution presented by the employee fulfils the framework conditions. Only then do you realise that an important framework condition has been forgotten and is not fulfilled. 

Authenticity is required here. For example:

"Thank you very much for your work. Thanks to her, we learnt that an important aspect had been forgotten. I realise that we change the rules during the game. However, we have learnt something new and want to take this aspect into account. "

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