"You boss, how should I solve this and that?" 

Very often, decisions are put to managers. However, before you decide on the content, you should decide who should make this decision. After all, aren't there more effective ways to lead than constant micromanagement?

The Poker delegation provides a good overview of the possibilities. Managers who know a lot about content are particularly inclined to make too many content-related decisions themselves. And thus slip straight into the expert trap

Especially for them: Take a deep breath before making any decision. And ask yourself the question:

What is the highest card I can play?

Of course, it would be quicker and more accurate if it were decided on the spot by the manager. And to be honest, it also gives you the feeling of being important, even irreplaceable. And that's exactly what you will become: Irreplaceable if you don't let your employees grow. There is exactly one reason for managers to make their own decisions. When things have to happen quickly and wrong decisions are very dangerous or very expensive. In all other cases: Inclusion! Delegate!

By the way, effective delegation requires a framework. But that's another topic. 

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