How do I optimise my leadership behaviour in the context of innovation?

Innovation is everyone's business! Not just the departments with "Innovation" in their name. Even the so-called "executive" departments. 

The overriding goal as a manager is to achieve maximum impact. What this means and what it takes to achieve it can be very different. The goal, however, always remains the same.

--> Explained with the Leadnow Navigator means maximum impact: getting employees into the optimum pressure. 

In the context of innovation, it means allowing employees to grow. Because the more employees can do, the more they are confident, the greater the opportunities. 

However, this is only honest if you as a manager are prepared to make yourself superfluous. After all, where are the employees supposed to grow to if there is no room at the top? This is good news, because managers should also be allowed to grow. 

Here are three methods for helping others (and yourself) to grow. The whole thing is entitled


The decision before the decision

"You boss, how should I solve this and that?" Very often, decisions are put to managers. However, before they decide on the content, they should decide whether they should make this decision themselves or whether there are more effective ways... (read more here)

General conditions

Leadership, cooperation, decisions - all of this always takes place within a framework. Here are the most important facts.

Stereo guide

Managers are often in a dilemma as to whether they should enforce the objectives or listen to the needs of the employees. The answer is simple: both

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