The LN Navigator shows how your leadership feels to your employees.

Your answers are very scattered. This makes it difficult for your employees to assess you. 


Leaders in this pattern often say things like: "I just say what I think".

Well, then I'll also say what I think: leadership means helping the other person - if you just let everything out unfiltered, then you're only helping yourself! Of course, things need to be addressed. But in such a way that the other person can absorb it as much as possible. 


Leadership requires empathy: empathising with the other person. How is the person doing, what could help them now? Is she already overwhelmed and in need of reassurance and security? Or is she in her comfort zone and needs pressure? 

That's right: when I say something as a manager, the focus is on the other person and the effect. Not too much for myself. 

Effective communication can only take place when it is clear where the other person stands.

In two sentences: 

It's not about saying everything.

It is important that what is said is received and has an effect.