Resignation is a clear sign from within that something is wrong. Unfortunately, your insides can't talk. It can only show "Not like this!" Resignation manifests itself as frustration, disappointment, complaining and often goes hand in hand with externalisation: The blame lies everywhere else except with oneself. However, it's always about no longer believing that things will turn out well.

I'm on the wrong boat!

Anyone and everyone can feel this. You just have to want it.

Changing it is more complex. The feeling, as clear as it is, simply shows: "Not like this!" It does not necessarily provide clues, how then? It's up to you to try out alternatives. As taciturn as your inner self is, it is a very reliable partner: it lets you know quickly and consistently whether it is right or wrong. And it's not corruptible either. You may be able to keep it quiet or distract it for a while. But sooner or later, it will come round. 

Resignation has one cause: you are investing your time in something that is not important enough to you. You're in the wrong boat.

There are two ways to change this. The first is expensive and usually works. The second is also expensive and rarely works. 

Separate yourself! Say goodbye to this boat and look for a new one.

Try to make friends with the targets. But beware: there is an immense risk that you will not solve the problem but drag it along with you. You will feel this quickly and consistently from the inside. 

Both options have one thing in common: clarify your request!

Closely related to resignation are:

  • Depression: This is the big sister of resignation. If resignation is dragged along for too long, depression sets in. 
  • Lack of drive: This is the little sister of resignation. It can be an important early warning sign that goals need to be clarified.
  • Burnout: This is a subtype of depression. A depression with a cause. The cause is: investing too much for too long.




- Depression

- Burnout

- Lack of drive